Organize Archives for Homeschool and Artwork
Do you have a big, messy pile of kid’s artwork or school work? I did! [...]
Why you Need a Housekeeping Day (or Week)
You know what doesn’t get talked about enough in the homeschooling world? Taking a housekeeping [...]
Homeschool Recap 2019/2020: The Kind Kingdom
Hey friends! Before I pack up all of our homeschooling supplies for the big move, [...]
Our Homeschool Organization
As home educators we face the unique challenge of having our homes be our living [...]
A Morning Basket
This post may contain affiliate links. Taking charge of our children’s education can be both [...]
Homeschool Recap 2018/2019: A Minimalist Approach
Hey friends, it’s countdown to baby time over here, but I really wanted to get [...]
Homeschool 2017/2018: A Simple Assortment of Great Books
Well, here it is! The post where I tell you guys what materials and [...]
A Tour of our Homeschool Space
Welcome our homeschool space! You don’t have to have a separate homeschool room to learn [...]
Homeschool 2017/2018: The Peaceful Preschool
Well, here we are, in 2017, beginning this second week of the new year with [...]