Our 2 Essential Learning Formats

One way that I’ve simplified our homeschool (and homeschool planning) is by consolidating all of [...]

The Everything Reading Post

One of the most intimidating parts of starting homeschool is the mysterious process of teaching [...]

The Weekly Reset

The weekly re-set is one of my favorite Sunday rituals.  After we go to the [...]

A Homeschool Day Four Ways

Homeschooling is unique in that we don’t conduct learning in a separate, sterile environment.  It [...]

My Simple Homeschool Planning Schema

The first year that we started homeschool, I spent hour upon laborious and hour planning [...]

How We Unschool

What in the world is unschooling?  For me it used to conjure up images of [...]

Homeschool Recap 2020/2021: The Precious People

Writing this post each year has become so therapeutic; like tying up the loose ends [...]

How to Build A Peaceful Homeschool Day using Daily Anchors

Do you ever look around at your homeschool and wonder where it all went wrong? [...]

How to Make a Salt Dough Map

Salt dough maps are a classic homeschool project that have become a staple for us [...]

Permission to Do One Thing at a Time (While Everything Else Unravels)

I was just talking to a friend on Marco Polo who reads this blog.  We [...]