Homeschool Recap 2019/2020: The Kind Kingdom

Hey friends! Before I pack up all of our homeschooling supplies for the big move,  I wanted to give you a little homeschool recap for our year!    Well as you all know we had a baby last spring (some about that here), so along with homeschooling the girls, I nurtured a baby in the […]

A Valentine’s Luncheon with Tea and Scones

Are you looking for a little something festive for Valentine’s Day?  In year’s past I would plan little to nothing and then at the last minute regret it and scrounge around my house for heart doilies and glue!  I’m better about being prepared for Valentines these days, but I try to keep it really simple.  […]

December in Pictures

I’m not sure whether to say December should be called lazy or restful! Either way, we paused school for the month and did nothing.  We didn’t even get through a full two weeks of Advent!  The picture books, Jesse Tree ornaments and crafts went untouched after the first two weeks. I just went into deep […]

Seeds and Fruits Advent Garland Tutorial

Have you seen this charming, old-fashioned popcorn and cranberry garland floating around Instagram and Pinterest? It’s one of our favorites and today I’m going to share how we do this craft with little hands. We like this craft because it’s a simple, versatile decoration that can be used inside or strung outdoors in a tree […]