My brother Joel was just out for a long weekend and we decided to take a trip to one of my favorite places in the world, Muir Woods. It’s just so incredibly calming to walk through this little redwood micro-climate. It’s like the forests in every Disney movie you’ve ever seen come to life. It’s […]
There is a lot to give thanks for in the year 2015. I’ve been practicing thankfulness every day in my meditation times and I can really feel it making a difference in my outlook. This scripture was in my heart all during the month of November: “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. […]
Coming up on this time of year a lot of moms with young kids are already starting to get anxious about what they’re going to do with the generous assortment of Christmas gifts about to be bestowed upon their children by loving friends and relatives. Last year at my small group we had an impromptu […]
This is my reading nest. If you don’t have one, you should make one. I’ve always been a book nerd, but I kind of started getting my reading fix from social media and the Internet in the last ten years. It was like the Oreo bag I just kept going back to, but was making […]
Hey guys. I thought Friday of Labor Day weekend would be a great day for a birth story! Evelyn has just turned three months old and I am amazed at how great I feel after adding baby number three. I know a lot of it has to do with having a good support system and […]
2015 has been kind of a monumental year for the Seibel family. Between two new babies (both within two weeks of each other), a wedding, my parent’s 35th wedding anniversary, and my brother and his wife preparing to leave the States for a season, it’s pretty miraculous that me and all six of my siblings […]
I’m back! It feels awesome to get behind a keyboard again. Want a peek at the new baby’s room? Evelyn’s nursery was the first I’ve ever decorated knowing the gender of my baby. As special as it is to find out the gender at birth, I don’t think I’ll do it again because I had so […]
Well, at first I was worried this would be the most boring post ever. April 2015. I mean, I’m 36 weeks preg, so I’m officially into Completely Unmotivated Hermit Mode and stuff. Lucky for me (and you) I have good friends who do coax me out of the house and into stretch jeans to take […]
Hello April! I’m in the middle of week 31 of my pregnancy. At this point in my other two I was thinking “Ugh eight more weeks.” This time around I’m thinking “Yessss, eight weeks to get things done!” A couple things I have let go in my third trimester are: getting up before my […]
Disappointment alert! I know you all are looking for nursery photos right now, but these are not it. Sorry. I’m a compartmentalizer who can’t start on something big until all peripheral business in my life is brought to closure. So the nursery will be next month. I do, however, have an updated girls room with […]