It’s summer and I’m reading! IT’S SUMMER and I’m REEAAAADIIIINGG. (Sing to the tune of “I’m in a store and I’m SIIIIINGING.”) Anyways, what is all of this big deal about (AIR QUOTES) summer reading? Legitimate question. Before we go into this, look at this bee. Isn’t he cute? He likes summer reading and he […]
Okay the title is a lie. Evelyn’s birthday isn’t for another four weeks. Just love me anyways. What a year it has been. To think I wasn’t sure if I wanted a third. David just said to me yesterday “I think this one has been the most fun for me.” And we went on to […]
I’ve said it many times and it bears repeating. Havin’ fun aint’ hard when you got a library card. Or even better, when your library card number is written on a sticky note next to your keyboard. I love being 33 and owning life. I don’t know how, but there always seems to be a […]
The Pineapple Express was in full swing this weekend. PRECIPITATION! It’s rare. I documented it. Thank you, polar jetstream and Hawaiin Islands. Here’s a lil’ story in pictures of our rainy Saturday.
WELCOME ONE AND ALL! Okay so our house was just featured on Design Mom’s Living with Kids series. Have you been following this? YOU SHOULD. It’s lovely…there’s an incredible variety of homes on this tour. People around the world live with kids in so many different ways. Here we are, if you haven’t read it […]
I wanted to share with you guys the story of my kitchen, the space that I love most in my house at the moment. I’ve been running into articles on Unclutterer and images on Pinterest from places like Design Sponge and Apartment Therapy featuring older homes with tons of style and originality. I started noticing […]
It’s been a while since I actually got around to musing on the blog. I planned on writing a 2016 goals post this month…until I realized wow, my goals are pretty much the same as they were in 2015. Minus needing to keep up with Facebook and plus fitting back into my jeans. Which is […]
Ah the cure for post-holiday blues…some people dance in their kitchens, others of us check out from life with a good book. Actually…this year I really don’t have post-holiday blues at all. I have more of a LET’S BULLDOZE A CHRISTMAS TREE thing going on over here. IDK. I’ve just been ready for spinach salads […]
My brother Joel was just out for a long weekend and we decided to take a trip to one of my favorite places in the world, Muir Woods. It’s just so incredibly calming to walk through this little redwood micro-climate. It’s like the forests in every Disney movie you’ve ever seen come to life. It’s […]
There is a lot to give thanks for in the year 2015. I’ve been practicing thankfulness every day in my meditation times and I can really feel it making a difference in my outlook. This scripture was in my heart all during the month of November: “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. […]