March was a great reading month.  I tried to read some novels but the non-fiction section at the library got me again!  Here’s what I read:

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A Year of No Sugar by Eve O. Schaub

In the throes of a six-week sugar fast I happened upon this experimental memoir on the library shelves. The author’s voice is engaging and funny, yet so informative on all things sugar-related. As for her experience, I could really relate to her sentiment that meals without sugar feel unfinished, like that little something is missing.  She really did convince her family to go a whole year without sugar.  I mean, not even ketchup!  As a family they could choose one dessert every month to eat together.  I really like that idea.  Sometimes the best books are ones you happen upon.  It helped me through a horrible sugar detox and that is saying something!

Welcome Home by Myquillin Smith

Have you ever tried to decorate for fall and then gave up because it felt like a hay rack ride landed in your living room?  (Oh so just me?)  This is the book I need, apparently! I have read all three of Myquillin’s books and this one is my favorite.  She just makes you feel like you can do this.  This book is all about a harmonious and organic approach to decorating your home for the seasons.  I admit I was feeling a little depressed about a few features in our rental (like the lack of light for my fiddle leaf), but this book got me right out of that. I am going right out to buy a big dracaena tree for one of my dark corners! (More plants is the answer, always.)

Did you read anything noteworthy this month?  I’d love to know…I’m always adding to my TBR!

If you enjoyed this post, I think you’ll love my free download, The Ultimate Homeschool Mama Book List!

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