It’s been a really long time since I promised you guys this post about our small nursery for two.
This nursery took me a ridiculous long time to put together. Part of that is due to our deciding not to find out the gender of our second baby until birth. (You can read about that here.)
The other (real) part of the story all has to do with me not being able to make up my fool mind about what I wanted to do! (It took me over a year to finish.)
Without further ado, here is the bedroom and play space I created for my daughters, Libby (15 months) and K.K. (3 years).
The trend in baby right now is leaning towards minimal. And though my inner minimalist certainly gravitates towards many aspects of a that neutral, European look, I also feel that childhood is a magical time. Kid spaces are allowed be colorful, enchanting and whimsical, which is what makes them so much fun to create!
I had a stash of vintage pillow cases that I desperately wanted to display in some creative way so I went with my inspiration. (I am in love with the idea of giving mis-matched grandma linens a second life.)
I built the nursery around one inspiration pillowcase using pink, blue, yellow and lots of white.
(I sewed this banner on my 1970’s Kenmore machine!)
One thing that’s really important about this nursery is that we did a lot of down-sizing to bare essentials in order to make things fit neatly. That means less toys, clothes and baby gear. My biggest concession was the glider (We do have one, but in another room. It’s an necessity!)
This our toy wall, where we store the majority of our toys and books. Blocks and puzzles are in the closet.

I wish it had hardwood floors, but that’s all.
In the end, all the going back and forth was worth it. I came out a lot more confident in my methods and style preferences. I also realized that excess stuff and rushing to fill a room always leaves me dissatisfied. (Never let a blank room make you rush to fill it!)
As life would have it, now that this room is perfected, we are moving!
Though we will be moving to a home with enough space for each girl to have her own room, I insist that they share. My sister and I shared a bedroom until the day she got married and moved out. It wasn’t always perfect and may even at one time have involved one enraged sister punching another smug sister in the back and knocking the wind out of her as she lie unsuspectingly in her bed. But we trashed that room together with overflowing Caboodles of make-up, scrunchees and hot Conair curling irons that we left unattended for many hours.
And listened to a lot of Boyz II Men. And played a lot of Mash. All to which I think we can attribute the bond of sisterhoodship that we share today. I can only hope for the same for my girls.
Walls: Behr, Valley Mist
Cribs: Ikea Gulliver
Crib Linens: Sheets and afghans thrifted. Quilts and pillows made from thrifted pillowcases.
Changing Table: Freecycle, painted with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Arles
Oval Mirrors: Target
Curtains: Target
Fan: Target
Glass Jars: Ikea
Wire Basket: Home Goods
Coat Tree: Garage sale
Kitchen: Consignment, shelving from Ikea, curtains and towel hand-sewn
Clock: Etsy (1950’s vintage)
Cradle: Thrifted
Toy Wall: ClosetMaid Nine Cube organizer and fabric baskets, Ikea picture ledges, Ikea Bekvam spice racks
Banners: Hand sewn.
Fabric Hoops: Michaels, thrifted pillowcase scraps
Photo Canvas: gift, courtesy of Olivia Barbosa Photography
And to all the mamas-to-be decorating nurseries and organizing baby clothes, enjoy! It’s been one of my favorite parts of motherhood.